A Sermon On Racism
Good morning Stone Church. This is a sermon about racism. Believe it or not, in the fifteen years that I have been an Anglican Priest, I have not preached on the…
The Church: What Does It Mean To Be Essential
Since the outbreak of the pandemic, our policy makers have had to make a number of tough calls; among them, which services ought to remain available to the public and…
A Faith of Flesh & Blood: Why Online Church Will Always Fall Short
In the weeks that have past, Jasmine and I— like so many other church leaders all across the world— have sought to provide online services for our parishioners, now sequestered…
The Need To Watch & Pray: A Maundy Thursday Homily
It’s the evening of Jesus’ arrest. After supper with his disciples, he goes to the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives— a familiar place that all of his…
How To Survive Social Isolation In 5 Easy Steps
If Jasmine and I had a super power it would be this: Drawing ordinary people into small, life-giving communities that meet together, face-to-face, in the real world. We run book…
Addiction & Hope
Addictions are ruthless and destructive. That’s a lesson I’ve known for most of my life but, for some reason, God has seen fit to reinforce over the course of these…
The Comfort Of Ashes
“Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return” – These words from the Ash Wednesday service are meant to be jarring. A reminder of our unsubstantial nature,…
Changing The Question. Rewriting The Story
Years ago when I worked at an After School Program I remember a mom catching her son in some act of misdemeanour yelling “What is wrong with you?” as she…
Like A Thief In The Night
The most ominous picture the scriptures paint of Christ’s second coming is found in the Revelation to Saint John: “Behold, I am coming like a thief!” (Rev. 16:5). It’s…
When Your Conscience Knocks On The Door
“The homeless are our conscience” – I forget now who said this to me, but I heard it while I was living in Toronto where year round outdoor living is…